It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Dr. Rahul Reddy. Click here to read more
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Dr. Rahul Reddy. Click here to read more Patient Portal Career Center (602) 242-4928

Associated Retina Consultants 2018 Blood Drive

Blood Drive

The American Red Cross supplies about 40% of our nations blood supply. On February 10, 2018, Associated Retina Consultants (ARC) doctors, staff and community members came together for a blood drive, coordinated by employees who were moved to help others after donating at their children’s school.

Matthew Trenholm – A Power Red Donor

Matthew has been a technician at Associated Retina Consultants in the Scottsdale office for almost 3.5 years.  After not being allowed to reenlist into the military and unable to qualify for firefighting due to injuries and hearing loss, ARC seemed like a good fit. “I excel at first aid and have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Having dealt with multiple minor as well as life and death injuries in the military ( Marines of course), I figured why not make  a career out of something I am good at and enjoy”, Matt said.

Matthew Trenholm
Matt Trenholm

During four years in the United States Marine Corps, Matt trained as an Infantry Rifleman and crossed trained as a medic. From the spring to fall of 2007, when he was 19, Matt was on combat tour to Al Fallujah and Al Karma Iraq. He was put in charge of a combat fire team ( 4 marines) while in Iraq, and once on recovery and cleared, was in charge of roughly 50 marines.

Matt was as also the mail clerk and Assistant Family Readiness Director (spouse events and family events ) for over 1000 Marines and families. This includes welcome home ceremonies, and unfortunately, memorial services for family members ( fellow marines are family) that were lost  within the unit as well as those under his command or with him in a unit. Matt recalls, “I have seen a lot more than most people know or imagine, but it has made me.”

Matt has been happily married to his wife Heather since April 14, 2004. They have a Boston Terrier and pit/boxer mix and while they don’t foresee kids in the future, there will probably be more dogs.

Why do you give blood?

I give blood for several reasons, I am a universal red blood cell donor, which means that my blood type ( O negative) can be transfused to any blood type. I have given blood to fellow Veterans while serving in the military for first aid and have received life saving transfusions myself.  In 2017, I was in a motor vehicle accident where I fractured my skull ( 28 staples 39 stiches) and shattered my cervical 2 (neck screw now holding it together). I flat lined multiple times on the way to the hospital as well as in ER surgery. The longest flat line was roughly 3 min due to blood loss.

Between blood, power red, and plasma donations, I stopped counting the number of times that I have donated. I get  a lot of requests from groups knowing that I am O Negative.

One pint can save up to 3 lives!

Dr. Welch gives a thumbs up to blood donation.
