How Do Doctors Check the Retina?
Eye doctors check the retina with an exam called an ophthalmoscopy. With this exam, your eye doctor can see the retina (which senses light and images) as well as the optic disk (where the optic nerve takes the information to the brain) and blood vessels.
The eye is a beautiful organ, and it is the only place in the human body where a doctor can see a part of the central nervous system: the optic nerve. The observation of that nerve is a crucial part of a comprehensive eye examination. By examining your eyes in this way, your eye doctor can often detect conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arterial plaque, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, stroke, leukemia and many other conditions.
Pupil dilation is performed to increase the size of the pupils so that your eye doctor can fully examine the health of the optic nerve and retina. Dilation is an important part of a retinal exam at Associated Retina Consultants because it enables our doctors to view the inside of the eye more easily. Drops placed in each eye widen the pupil, which is the opening in the center of the iris (the colored part of the eye). Dilating the pupil allows more light to enter the eye. Once dilated, each eye is carefully examined. The exam is critical to preventing and treating eye conditions that could potentially lead to vision loss.
After looking in your eyes, our doctors will take the time to discuss the results of your examination, as well as any potential risks of retinal disease with you.
It is important to care for your eyes to maintain healthy vision. In Phoenix, our doctors recommend that you receive a thorough retinal exam annually. If you are due for an eye exam or if you have noticed any changes in your vision, contact Associated Retina Consultants at 602-242-4928 or website.