I had a Vitreous Separation a Couple Months Ago and I still See Floaters. Why Aren’t They Going Away?
At Associated Retina Consultants our established and compassionate retina specialists offer the latest in information, technology and surgical advancement to bring you the best quality care for your vision needs. We appreciate you taking the time to view our WEBSITE and hope you will learn new information about the retina and what to do if you are experiencing signs and symptoms that may affect your vision clarity. Our doctors seek to answer your questions with honesty and transparency so you can feel confident in the treatment you receive.
Recently, a patient posed the question: “I had a vitreous separation a couple of months ago and I still see floaters. Why aren’t they going away?” A vitreous separation, better known as vitreous detachment, happens when the gel-like substance in the eye that contains millions of fibers pulls away from the back of the eye. Posterior vitreous detachment is a natural change that occurs due to aging where the vitreous separates from the retina. Sometimes this does not affect vision. Other times, vitreous detachment can lead to more serious eye problems. If the vitreous fibers begin to tear a hole in the retina as it pulls away, it can lead to symptoms such as eye floaters. If the hole escalates to a retinal tear or full detachment, vision can be seriously compromised and immediate treatment is necessary. The main symptoms of posterior vitreous detachment are flashes of light and floaters. Floaters have been described as looking like circle or oval-shaped tiny bugs, cobwebs, squiggly hairs or specks of dust floating around in the field of vision. These are typically mild symptoms and are less noticeable within a few months. However, if floaters are still there and are bothersome, it is time to contact your eye care provider. Your doctor will conduct tests including a dilated eye exam and an ocular ultrasound to identify any serious problems and help to reduce your symptoms. Treatment may simply involve monitoring vision with frequent exams or, although not as common, surgery known as vitrectomy to remove the vitreous gel from the eye to repair the vitreous separation with the added benefit of reducing or eliminating eye floaters.
For a retinal exam, contact our office today by calling 602-242-4928. In the meantime, there are a few techniques to help you cope with the frustration of eye floaters. Move your eyes gently in a circular motion to help shift the floaters out of your line of sight. Reduce the brightness on your digital screens. Wear sunglasses when outside. Maintain your eyeglass or contact lens prescription and wear them as instructed. Having eye floaters alone, especially those that have persisted for a couple of months or not causing pain or harm, means you likely do not have a more serious condition. However, if they increase or additional symptoms present suddenly, seek emergency treatment for the sake of your sight.