If I Lost Central Vision in One Eye Because of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Will My Other Eye Be Affected?
Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of severe loss of eyesight in people aged 50 or older. AMD is an eye disease that affects central vision causing blurriness and distortion of fine details when you are looking straight ahead. Age-related macular degeneration slowly progresses and causes damage to the macula over time. For this reason, it is important to have regular eye exams to evaluate the health of the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye.
Research shows that you can lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration by making simple, healthy choices that include quitting smoking, getting regular exercise, maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and eating a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and fish. Treatment for those who develop age-related macular degeneration include dietary supplements, injections of anti-VEGF medicines and photodynamic therapy, a combination of injections and laser treatments.
A common question regarding AMD is “if I lost central vision in one eye because of age-related macular degeneration will my other eye be affected?” It is possible to only develop age-related macular degeneration in one eye, it does not always develop in both eyes. However, as the eye disease progresses both eyes may be affected. Patients are more likely to eventually develop AMD in both eyes once one eye has been affected if the progression is not halted by successful medical intervention.
Potential vision related symptoms of age-related macular degeneration to be aware of include requiring more light for regular tasks such as reading and noticing specific changes to vision that include blurry spots in the center of your field of vision, blurry spots that become larger and darker, straight lines that become wavy and distortion or loss of straight-ahead vision in a short period of time or vision that changes suddenly. There is currently no cure for age-related macular degeneration but there are aggressive treatment options to preserve vision.
For a comprehensive eye exam that includes retinal imaging to assess and keep track of changes to the retina, book your appointment with Associated Retina Consultants by calling our office today at 602-242-4928. For patients with AMD, you can find more frequently asked questions from our patients by visiting WEBSITE.