Vision Therapy
Like any other skill, visual skills are developed as we grow. Since they are developed, they can generally be improved by therapy if they are not developing properly. During vision therapy in Phoenix, your doctor prescribes individually appropriate visual tasks and exercises to be practiced daily. Repetition of these tasks enhances vision by coordinating, strengthening and improving eye movement, focusing ability and by straightening eye alignment.
There are many different procedures and tools that can be used in vision therapy including the use of lenses, prisms and filters. Some, using stereo-viewers or video games, may seem like child’s play. More sophisticated equipment and instruments are also used to increase the eye’s ability to see and the brain’s ability to understand the visual information.
The length of time required for completion of a vision therapy program, including the number of visits to your doctor’s office, the length of each visit and the amount of in- and out-of-office therapy, varies. This is dependent on the type of vision problem, how long the condition has existed, the age and motivation of the patient and the level of improvement desired. A typical vision therapy program may take from a few weeks to several months to even a year.
Vision therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for many problems that cannot be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses alone, particularly for children. Vision therapy helps many patients see more clearly, efficiently and comfortably; however, success is not guaranteed. To determine if vision therapy is an appropriate treatment for a patient, an extensive evaluation is required.
Depending on you or your child’s visual condition, therapy can have a profound effect on your lifestyle. Your doctor can provide more specific information about how vision therapy can help improve you or your child’s vision. To schedule an appointment in Phoenix, contact Associated Retina Consultants at 602-242-4928 or