What Causes Retinal Detachment?
If you or someone you know suddenly experience a sensation like a curtain has been pulled over the eye, or are suddenly seeing floaters or light flashes, this could be a retinal detachment. This is a medical emergency and treatment should be sought immediately.
The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines the inside of the eye and sends visual messages through the optic nerve to the brain. When the retina is lifted or pulled from its normal position, it is a retinal detachment. Without immediate treatment, permanent blindness can result.
There can be a variety of causes of retinal detachment, including scar tissue from diabetes, abnormal development in the blood vessels behind the retina, and a tear or hole in the eye that allows fluid to get behind the retina.
If you suspect a retinal detachment, contact Associated Retina Consultants in Phoenix right away.